Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Swinehart kids

Tyler: Is turning 5 tomorrow!! We can't believe our "baby" is getting so big and old! It sure has gone by so fast. Ty loves to play soccer and really could play all day, everyday. He loves to know all the details of every game that daddy plays. He usually knows who scores and how they scored. He says when he grows up he wants to play soccer like daddy. (sometimes he wants to be a Dr and deliver babies) Ty has a sweet heart for the Lord and we love watching him teach his brothers Bible stories and tell them about Jesus. He will be staying home again next school year as we do some home schooling. He is excited! He loves to write letters to people and loves to add!

Bryce:Is three and a half! It is so important to remember that half:-) Bryce just asked Jesus into his heart on Tuesday night! He has been talking about it for four months, saying he just was not ready. On Tuesday night Daddy was reading them a parable and during it, Bryce decided he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. It was so priceless and his joy and excitement was so obvious. Amazing! He too, LOVES soccer. He plays so hard against Ty and manages to do pretty well. He is a natural athlete for sure. Bryce will be doing a little bit of home school this fall as well. He is learning how to write his letters and is doing amazingly well. Anything to keep up with the big brother.

Dylan:Is almost 22 months! He is so big! Dylan is doing well on the potty training end! It is a lot with a new baby, but we are excited to save a few bucks on diapers, so I guess it is worth it. Dylan can now count to 13!! He gets so excited. He can count to 5 in Spanish too :-) He almost has his ABC's down too. Dylan too, enjoys soccer, but usually does not try for too long to keep up. So we end up playing baseball. He is about to head to the big boy bed! He trys every night to sleep in the boys room. Soon my little one, very soon :-)

Avary:Is going to be 4 weeks on Saturday! (She is due today:) She is grown so much already. She is so beautiful and I really just stare at her in amazement. She is so tiny and so perfect. My heart just bubbles over with joy every time I hold her. Time is going way too fast already. Strange feeling to know that this is our last little one (planned that is). The boys of course are still in love with "the little princess".

Time flys when you are having fun!

We just came off an amazing week! The boys are still talking about Ben and Maddie. Sunday, July 15 was the beginining of a week that the boys will never forget! Ben (9) and Maddie (10)Locke flew down from Ohio to spend the week with us and at eagles soccer camp. The boys made signs to pick them up from the airport and cleared out Dylan's and Avary's seats so their new friends could read them stories all the way home. They could not believe that they both could read! (or tie shoes, or run so fast, or kick the ball so high)

The boys were excited to share their room with Ben. I still can't believe they actually slept. Everyday they woke at 7 and started playing soccer! They then headed off to soccer camp and played for hours, only to come home again to play more soccer. They did take a few breaks to play games, swim, play hide and seek and swing on the ball swing. Dylan even was taken by Ben. He wanted to stay at camp and see Ben everyday. Ben would carry Dylan around the house. We had a blast with the Locke kids and were very sad to see them leave on Saturday. The boys got a new big brother present! Hungry, Hungry Hippos game! They love it and have played it everyday!!!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Avary Joy Swinehart

Avary Joy, June 30, 2007. 5:27 AM. 7lbs. 5 oz. 20 in long. Strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. So super cute!!!! The boys are loving their baby sister and just say the cutest things to her and about her. Here are a few. Ty: "Oh mom, she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world." " I think Avary is the prettiest. She is even prettier than mommy." Bryce to Ava when she cries; "Oh Avra( he mixes avary and ava) , what is the matter baby girl." And Dylan, every time he hears her cry, he runs out from where he is and laughs and says "baby cry". They love to hold her and kiss her and talk the cutest baby talk to her. They ask everyday how many days old she it. Dust and I are so in love as well. It is so fun to have a daughter. It is precious to watch Daddy hold his sweet little angel and kiss her little nose. I love to hold her and snuggle her close as I pray for her. It has been so fun to dress her in pink and in dresses! It is a sweet time for me as we near the one year anniversary of my mothers death. The Lord has blessed me with a sweet baby girl and as I pray for her, I thank God for the time I had with my mom. It is over whelming to think about my responsibility to my daughter to raise her to be a God fearing woman. A woman that is humble, submissive, and that has a gentle spirit. I thank God for those qualities that my mom showed me in different ways. God is so good and knows what we need at just the right time. Avary's arrival could not have been more perfect!! Thanks for your prayers and enjoy the pics of our little princess.