Monday, August 11, 2008

I need help!

There are days when I wonder how in the world this marathon running came about?!?! But here I am 8 weeks away from running the Chicago Marathon with World Vision! I am so excited. We will do 19 miles this Saturday. It sounds so insane until I remember that I still have 7 to go! Who does this!!!!???? I have struggled with Plantar Factitious a bit during this training and ended up getting a Cortisone shot in my heal to try to relieve some pain. Thankfully it has helped...I can run a lot better now.
Most of you know that I am running as part of Team World Vision! I get to raise $900.00 for Africa's most needy. I need YOUR help in order to reach this goal. I am currently at $400.00. How awesome is that! However, that is still $500.00 short. Would you consider helping me reach my goal? Any dollar amount is appreciated! You can also sponsor a child for $35.00 a month. One person sponsoring a child can almost cover my need as well as a sweet child. You can check out my world vision page by clicking on the box to the right of this post.

Thanks, I appreciate you!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh Betty,
I wish I had something to give in order to help you with the money. I don't but I do wish you all the best with raising the rest of the money... I will be praying that your needs are met. The Great Lord will supply all of your needs. Scott and I have seen that so many times... when we think we can't really do groceries, the Lord blesses us with an annonymous walmart gift card... He's done it through random annonymous checks, He WILL meet your needs. Hope you are encouraged today.
Praying for you,