Thursday, March 05, 2009

I'm Back!!

So I took a little time off......ok so actually I have just had NO time to even sit, much less "blog". So on this fine Thursday afternoon, while the children are napping/taking QT, I am sitting on my rear, eating lunch and attempting to blog!
**Applause please!**
Well not much has happened in the past month, nothing out of the ordinary that is. Dustin and I got a chance to get away to Hilton Head for a few days, that was heavenly! Dustin is loving his new job and it keeps him busy! The boys just started soccer season last week! We are excited to be back in the think of things as Dustin starts his season as well. All this means SPRING is right around the corner! I can't believe we had TWO days of snow this year, the kids love it, but I must be honest and say, BOOOOO for snow. I am not a big fan of the cold!
We are still involved with the Montagnard family and have seen the trust in our friendship grow over the last few months! The whole family came over last weekend to hang it. It was fun to hear their story and why they are here. Dustin enjoyed meeting Bien's husband Vang. He is a sweet, gentle man that enjoys playing the guitar! He has not been able to play since they left Vietnam 3 years ago. The kids had fun playing with their 4 kids as well. I am thankful the Lord has brought them into our life. Oh -side note- They are moving into a Habitat house in April! While it is very exciting to have their own place, they are in need of furniture. If you have a few things you are willing to part with, let me know!
Life with four kids is BUSY! We generally do not have a quiet moment in the house unless, they are sleeping or gone! The other day, however, I was folding laundry and noticed that the house was very quiet. A little too quiet. I look in the sun room to find Ava sitting quietly alone, playing in her kitchen and having a tea party. Dylan was in the other room playing legos, Ty reading a book, and Bryce coloring. I have no idea how long I stood there marveling at the quiet! I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!!!! I WILL have moments when there will be peace! that was just one moment, but hey will take it!!
The boys are all over the place......they love love to battle daily and make anything into a gun, sword, or light saber. The ceiling sounds like it is going to cave in most days from the running and jumping. I am amazing at how funny a burp or fart is every single day! The word poop or bottom will have them rolling on the floor forever! Seriously, boys are so much fun, they can entertain for hours!
Miss Ava is getting so big! She is talking up a storm and loves her big brothers! She is turning into a little girl before my eyes! She loves to play in her kitchen, help me clean, and loves to hold and animal or baby that comes her way. She often says, "oh cute" or "pretty" when she sees a necklace or a baby or animal. It is so funny to me!
Dustin and I are doing P90X, a workout series we saw on an infomercial! It is GREAT! Ok, it is tough, but we get to do it together most days and it has so fun to be together! The boys and Ava have joined us in some leg and ab workouts, so precious! Overall, life is good! We have been extremely blessed with each other, our children, a tremendous community of believers, and wonderful friends!


megan said...

After hearing Tammy's success story, I've been wanting to try P90X. Dave keeps saying we need to take the plunge and get it. Although, I really don't see how you 2 need it!!!

aprilann said...

Thanks for sharing Dustin with us for a night! We enjoyed his visit so much and Don looks forward to coming to Charlotte in May with one of the girls. He really was an encouragment to us. It's been a tough 4 years, but your family shared through Dustin was uplifting.

Maybe someday we'll be able to meet eachother.
april brenneman