Monday, September 11, 2006

I need some tide.....And more silly stories

Ok, so Sunday morning, I am getting the boys ready for church. D had to be there early since he was leading worship. We were getting our shoes on when Ty says, " Mommy, I need some money to take to church." Why do you need money buddy, I ask. "Because I need some money for Jesus and so my teachers can work, I think it is called 'tide'." I could barely keep from laughing as I tried to teach him how to say 'tithe'. He and Bryce were so excited to take their "tide" to church that they barely noticed they went into different class rooms. Which usually would have sent our OCD (Ty) child into complete hysterics!! They keep saying how happy Jesus was going to be to have their ''tide''..............Sunday night we had a Young Life leadership meeting. The boys love to go because they get to play with their friends Walker, Bennett, and Hayden. They of course had a ton of fun, but we were stressed to get home before complete melt downs from all three came since it was past bed time already. D gave a talk about where our identity lies and where our 'home' was. So as we are driving home, Daddy tells Ty to ask Mommy where her identity is. Except it went more like this..."Hey Mommy, where is your 'denitity'"? Oh you mean identity? "Yes!" In Jesus buddy, what about yours? "I don't have a 'denitity', Mommy!" Oh so sweet, I love the complete innocence of a child, it keeps us laughing!.......................So we are about 2 blocks away when Daddy starts to play the raise your hand if Sweet Bryce is pretty easily scared of things he sees on TV. So at YL they watched a veggie tales movie, and to him it was really scary. So he says, "raise your hand if you don't like the tree that goes phhhhh." (ok, that is a stick out your tongue and blow silly sound). My stomach really started to hurt from the laughter. And what about sweet Dylan, some of you may be asking....Well he loved making lots of noise with an empty water bottle filled with coins. Hel just squeals with delight and shakes it and kicks his feet! When that wasn't enough, we all break out into doggie barks which can cure any cry fest!! Oh how he loves doggies!............. On a more serious note.......Dustin gave a great talk about where we place our identity. It is always a good reminder and was for me Sunday night, that I am child of God. I know who I am and I know whose I am. I belong to Him. He is enough to sustain me....My prayer this week is that I will be constantly reminded of how awesome the God I serve is and that I belong to Him............

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