Friday, April 17, 2009

a few of my favorites.......

While dying Easter eggs.....
Dylan:"Nice eggs!"
Bryce:"Nice eggs!"
Tyler:"yeah, nice legs Mommy!!"

While Ty is playing on the I-Phone, but supposed to be getting shoes on:
Bryce:" I just did the nicest thing for Tyler!"
Mommy and Daddy:" What did you do?"
Bryce:"I put his shoes on!"
Daddy:"Wow, that was nice!"
Bryce:"He said he would pay me $5000.00!!"

Out on an afternoon stroll:
Bryce climbs a huge rock, throws his arms out to the sky and yells, "I'm the King of the Jews!"
Getting close to a busy street I tell Dylan to stop running and stay close to me; He instantly drops to his knees and starts crawling!

I usually grab Starbucks when we go to Target, so we walk in and Bryce asks for a smoothie. I tell him not today:
and he says, "but don't you want coffee?"
Me:" well I do, but I gave up coffee for Lent."
Bryce:"Oh like we gave up TV? Is it really hard?
Me: It is really hard, especially today!"
Bryce:"But not as hard as Jesus dying on the cross, right Mommy?!"


megan said...

LOL, hilarious!

Angela said...
