Tuesday, October 03, 2006


We finally return to the big boys at lunch time Sunday. It was so great to see them!! We had a laid back night; the boys went with Daddy and Grandpa to the golf course. They love to golf! Monday, we all went to the zoo! We had a great time. Ty and Bryce loved seeing all the animals and asked if each animal would eat them!! Well, they would if we were in the cage with them!! SO we decided it was best to just stay on the outside and watch! The boys got to touch a snake. Ahhhhh, not my favorite thing to do. They were so excited. Ty, of course, asked the zoo lady a million questions about the snake. Such as, will it bite me? Why not? Does it have teeth? What does it eat? Oh sweet Ty! The boys loved the monkeys with the pink bottoms! So funny, Bryce was so sure it was poo poo on their bottoms. The lion was a big hit as well. It was so loud, it was kind'a scary. I have never heard a lion roar before. It was clearly agitated by something, so glad we were on the other side of the cage!! The last place we stopped was the aquarium. They were all intrigued by the huge fish tank, the stink ray, and the manatee. It made for great photo opps!! Tuesday we went to see Great Grandparents. It was so good to see them. The boys loved all of Great Grandpas big cars and trucks! Last night in Worthington......Last night with the kitty and doggie. They loved the cat at Grandpas, even though it scratched and bit them nearly everyday! Wednesday morning, Cincinnati bound........

1 comment:

the swineharts said...

pretty close my dear sister...I think she got one a day.....