Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008!!

So what were your New Years resolutions??! Ever follow through with them? I personally don't make too many because something always comes up and I HAVE to break it. For example; one year I decided to limit my ice cream, no really, LOL!!! For those of you who don't know me well, ice cream is a serious weakness, many would call it an addiction. I eat a HUGE bowl of ice cream every single night....sometimes I go back for seconds as Dustin is saying, "don't do it, back away from the ice cream!" So all that to say, I only made ones I think I can follow through with. 1) Run a half marathon in April 2) No texting while driving( I don't do it often anyway) and 3) be pregnant with twins!!!!! Ok so it might be a bit impossible (yes I mean it the way you are thinking, thanks Dust), but Oh how I ache to have more babies!!! Dustin was not too thrilled with that one. We shall see what God has to say about that:-) Anyway for New Years Eve day, the kiddos, Grandma, Daddy and I made our way over to Monkey Joes along with the rest of CHARLOTTE!! It was mad chaos but the sweaty boys had a blast. That evening Dustin and I boycotted the huge NYE Bash ( love you CC) and went to dinner with the Shaks, Pinks, and Millers!! It was a great time of laughter and fellowship! Our table was probably the loudest, but we had a blast! We then went to the Pinks to play Left, Right, Center.(great game introduced by the Faros!) It was a blast! Well I hope y'all had a wonderful end to 2007 and I pray you have a very blessed start to your 2008!


Van said...

Betty - You are amazing. I need for you to teach me how to blog with all the high tech stuff you do! On an icecream note. Have you ever had the Costco brand of vanilla icecream - Kirkland's. Campbell is an ice cream expert. He says it is the best and it really is. IF you are not a member tell me and I will pick up a gallon for you next time I go!

Angie Miller said...

How could you even utter the words "limit ice cream?" Pray for forgiveness!!!

Anonymous said...

ohhhhh how i wish we could've been there with you guys! it looks like you had SO much fun!!! i miss all of you so much!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Devon said...

Look at you, hottie! Love it. I also love the fact that you pretty much ALWAYS have a baby in your arms in every post on here - even if it's not yours! lol! Love and miss you!

Devon said...

Oh, by the way... TWINS???? I think you just love the crazy faces we give whenever you talk about having more babies. Sheesh! (Would be loads of fun, though! lol)