Monday, October 06, 2008

Quotes of the week

I know it seems a bit early to already how the quotes of the week, but I wanted to get these ones down before I forgot them!

In school we are learning about Indians and all that fun stuff. The boys are LOVING it! I was putting away laundry the other day while the boys were playing soccer in the bonus room. Ty suddenly comes flying into the room saying, "Mom, I heard someone down stairs, I think it is Indians!." With a smile on my face I tell him to go down and say hi and see if they want to be friends. "No way, what if they want to arrow me!!??"

Saturday night I went out with Katie, while Ben and Dustin put the kiddos to bed! After going back up the 3rd time to put Dylan back in bed, Dylan says to Dustin," Daddy you just don't understand me. I told you to sit on the green couch!" Yes he just turned three:-)

This morning I took all the kids on my morning run! Dylan and Ava in the jogger and Ty and Bryce running next to me. They were amazingly fast! After about a mile and a half Bryce says; "Oh no, my heart just went under my food. It is ok though because I can still feel my heart beating!" Laughing out loud, Ty says, "Bryce that is called a cramp."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...